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Text: To delegate effectively, writing clear objectives of the task, providing the resources they need to use, the name of the person they need to talk, specifying the date to be due are vital to your team members to get your expectations done.
Question 1: Ensure subordinates are aware of any expectations you want them to pay attention regarding how the work should be done.
Text: Once you have concerns that your subordinate doesn’t have enough expertise to do the job well, make sure you offer some help.
Question 2: Ensure support is available if any concerns exist that the subordinates find difficult to finish the task well.
Text: If you have delegated, let them get on with it. Don’t interrupt too much. Just tell them your expectations and keep yourself informed, like requiring a report in a monthly period. Interrupt only when you really feel things are not developing as you think right.
Question 3: Ask the subordinate how the work is progressing, for instance, by providing a regular report.
Text: Some main responsibilities should be retained yourself. Don’t delegate tasks such as boring administrative tasks to others simply because you don’t want them.
Question 4: Do not delegate administrative works just because they are boring.
Text: One strategic leadership skill is to delegate thing which can be regularly checked, like emphasizing whether monthly targets to be attained.
Question 5:
Superiors can ask their subordinates to inspect if the achievement of targets has been met at a fixed period.
Text: In a nutshell, don’t micromanage too much! Be clear and helpful, otherwise you may prevent progress and finally you may find no one could be delegated!
Question 6: If you micromanage, you risk yourself delaying the task.